Continues the decrease of container freight Italy – China

Portacontainer che si dirige verso l'orizzonteal tramonto

During this week keeps decreasing the decline of fees for 40' boxes transportation between Shangai and Genova. According to Drewry World Container Index, the value of this route in particular has dimished by 5% respect last weeks values.

This net decrease confirm a trend already noticed in the past weeks, even if with less marked vaules, and brings the fee to the 19% less respect the disproportionate ones of the last years. A data which suits consistently in the global picture: for Drewry, examinating 8 routes between the most beaten in containers transportation by sea, has been registered a 2,6% decrease for global fares.

Significant decreases on routes Shanghai – Los Angeles / Los Angeles – Shanghai (-3% on both direction), Rotterdam – Shanghai (-2%), Shanghai – New York (-3%). Fa East east route to Northern Europa has noticed a decrease as well (-1%).

Remain stable freights of routes between New York and Rotterdam, Drewry estimates for the next weeks a further decrease in its reference indices.

  • Hits: 863
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